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A Visit to Sungai Congkak- Part 1
This was my first MNS outing since my retirement and since COVID. For a long time we were restricted to trips of 10 km or less. Now we can travel- so long as we remain within Selangor. Insiders refer to the Malaysian Nature Society as ‘makan non-stop.’ Hence, naturally, our meeting point was the Eng Soon Hoong coffee shop in Hulu Langat. My review is here Five Stars for a Traditional Breakfast . After breakfast we drove an additional 11 km to our destination. Why didn’t we find a restaurant closer to our destination? In the Islamic calendar it is the fasting month of Ramadan. Accordingly, all the Malay restaurants are closed during sunlit hours; buka puasa begins at sunset. In Bahasa Malay (and on the Waze map) this location is Kem Latihan & Rekreasi Sungai Congkak. For monolingual English readers ‘latihan’ is practice or training. Also did you notice that ‘ch’ is rendered as simply ‘c’ in Ma...
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