Nine-grain Bread Rolls: the TLDR version

 Makes 12 large rolls or 20 small rolls.

If you want the videos

Part 1: Making the dough

Part 1: Forming the rolls and baking

First ingredients, in order


45 ml cooking oil 

Lam Soon’s Naturel Canola with omega 3

190 ml of whole milk (about 3/4 of a cup)

Any long life carton milk will do.

90 ml of water (about 3/8 of a cup)

Filtered tap water

3-5 ml of salt

I use sea salt.  More salt (5 ml) gives more flavour but inhibits the yeast so I use less.

35 ml brown sugar

I tend to use organic brown sugar.

25 ml of yeast

LeSaffre yeast

50 grams of rye flour

Organic rye flour from Germany, sourced from HOI. 

400 grams of high gluten white flour

I like the Singaporean unbleached bread flour from Prima Flour, sourced from Bake with Yen. 

First stir, then knead. Leave in the fridge overnight.

Paint your roll pan with cooking oil. 

Second ingredients, have ready


10 ml brown sugar 


30 ml of Made in Canada Nine Grain

The 9-grains are sourced from HOI. 

 Sprinkle in both of the ingredients and knead into the dough for about 3-5 minutes. Make 12 rolls 9 (or 20 small ones). Set your oven temperature to 190 C (equivalent to 375 F) Bake after the rolls have doubled in size. Baking time is about 20 minutes. 

If you are looking for the chatty version of the recipe, follow this link:


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