Pink-necked Green-Pigeon / Punai Gading
The Malay name, Punai Gading, can be translated as ivory green-pigeon. This is a medium-sized bird, about 30 cm long and weighing about 150 grams. Males are the same size as females, but more colourful. However, both birds can be difficult to see in the tree canopy where they pass most of their time. I often see spotted and zebra doves on the ground, but these green-pigeons only come down from the tree tops when they are thirsty or they need more grit for their gizzard. As birds do not have teeth, mechanical digestion requires birds to swallow grit. These small stones pass through the digestive tract and eventually would need to be replenished. Note that, eventually could be a year or more ( US Dept of Agriculture BF Kaupp 1924 ). Trees provide fruit for birds in the hope that their seeds will be dispersed. Green-pigeons with grit in their gizzards could be considered to cheat the system. T...