Unidentified Birds

Most birds are camera shy.  They dislike the sound of the zoom motor and more so the light reflected from the lens.  Hence, many photos are bits and pieces of birds.  Sometimes there are enough field marks visible to clearly establish an identification. More often, I am left 'in the dark', metaphorically speaking.

Can you spot a small yellow bird in this photo? It is upside down. We are looking at its breast / belly.

Can you see it now? It has move so that instead of being entirely behind the leaves its head has emerged from the foliage. Its head is iridescent dark green, almost black.

Here is the bird using digital zoom.  It is a brown-throated sunbird.  Had it flown deeper into the foliage, instead of coming into plain view, I would have been unable to move this from the no idea cases to the solved cases.  This is not a good photo in the artistic sense, but it is good enough for a field checklist. My binoculars are more 20 years old and have been rendered unusable by mould inside the barrel.  Except to identify birds in flight I don't really miss carrying them.      

Even large birds can be difficult to identify.  Are there two crows in this photo?  These birds flew away before I could take another photo. They appear to be residents, rather than vagrants; they are likely to afford me a second opportunity. 


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