Smooth-coated Otter
The smooth-coated otter (In Malay, memerang licin) is mostly nocturnal but can also be active in the day. Families consist of a mother and father and up to four young. These otters are territorial and can travel about 2-3 km. Although males are larger the female is dominant. They communicate with whistles, wails and chirps.
Fun facts
short velvety fur
that is dark along the back and light brown underneath.
the tail is flat;
other otters have more rounded tails.
legs are short
and strong, with webbed feet and strong claws.
legs are shorter than its back legs
weighs up to
11 kg.
body length is
about 100 cm (including a 40 cm tail)
for slow swimming it doggy paddles using
all four legs
for bursts of speed, it tucks in its front
paws, and uses its back feet and tail
it closes its ears and nostrils
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